

谢邀 最近在重看《广告狂人》,发现里面出现了很多次的“The Luxury of Time”,这个也是宾夕法尼亚大学商学院的校训之一,翻译过来就是“时间就是金钱”,哈哈。这句话常听常新啊。

一、Time is money. 二、All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 三、You can't spell "progress" without "pr'ogressive"' 四、A rolling stone gathers no moss. 五、There are two kinds of people in this world: those who wake up early and get things done, and those who sleep late and find themselves at a disadvantage. 六、The early bird gets the worm. 七、Look before you leap; plan your work and then work your plan!

八、If you want to succeed, you must take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself. 九、A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. 十、Where there is a will, there is a way. 十一、Do or die——it's all the same to me. 十二、The only way to do great work is to love what you do. 十三、No pain, no gain. 十四、Life is as dear to us as our days are long,or as short as they are precious. 十五、It is never too late to be what you might have been. 我喜欢的一部电影《土拨鼠》里,也有同样的话——Time is the most valuable thing on earth. 在另一部我喜欢的电影《荒岛余生》中,主教对孤独求败的凯利说了一句话,“Time is short,you know,and once it’s gone it’s gone. You need to make time for the important things in life” 对啊,时间真的很珍贵。

上面都是名言金句,用来作为豪宅的座右铭真的是再合适不过了。 那么有了这些名言做铺垫,我们再回头看看豪宅是什么样子。是不是觉得这房子简直就是为这些名言打造的? 宽敞明亮的客厅,足够主人和家人度过无数的美好时光。 藏书丰富的书房,足够主人徜徉在知识的海洋。

舒适温馨的卧室,足以让主人卸下一天的疲惫。 设备齐全的厨房,足够主人精心烹制美味佳肴。 功能多样的客厅,足够主人与家人欢聚一堂。 有这么多足够的空间,还有什么时间不能充分利用的呢? 还有这样一句话,可能不太符合题目要求,但是我还是想在这里分享——You are never too old to learn new things(活到老学到老)。 以上就是我的全部答案。
