

2018年足球赛,也就是大家所说的“世界杯”比赛于6月14日至7月15日在32个足球场举行(共64场比赛)- 这是自1994年以来首次在俄罗斯举行的国际赛事。每个组将有16支球队参加角逐:8支来自欧洲、8支来自非洲和亚洲及南美洲的球员队伍。小组赛将在6月14日至6月28日进行,而半决赛将于7月1日或2日举行,决赛预计将于北京时间7月15日凌晨3点进行。 俄罗斯队是夺冠热门之一——他们在2018年的世界杯上作为东道主参赛! 还有德国,巴西, Argentina 和 Spain 等强队的实力也不容忽视。 在接下来的几个月里,您将可以在各大媒体上看到有关即将进行的比赛的详细分析和建议。我们不会预测谁将是冠军得主,但会向您提供一些选择,这样您就可以了解哪些体育场将进行比赛以及在哪里可以看到它们。 请记住,虽然所有门票都已售罄,但您仍然可以购买数字版本或使用互联网广播免费观看许多游戏。 现在就来看看吧!

2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ - Official Site – 比赛场馆

Fifa world cup russia stadiums are located in different regions of the country. The first game will be held on june 14 at krestovsky stadium, st petersburg (in alexander nevsky park) and the final match is scheduled to take place on july 15 at london stadium, london. In between those two events more than sixty matches will take place all over russia! For example: 3 games will take place in moscow, including one final; four matches each in sant Petersburg and sochi; five football matches in yekaterinburg, samara, nizhniy novgorod, kazan, krasnodar, volgograd, rostov on don and chelyabinsk respectively; six soccer matches will be played in sevastopol’s maritime stadium which was built for this very championship! And we couldn't possibly forget about ukraine where three matches will be hosted by donetsk, kharkiv & dnipro! So here you have an overview of every venue: Krestovsky Stadium St.Petersburg 容量:64,233 主场俱乐部:Zenit 历史:Krestovsky Stadium opened its gates just last year after several years of construction, during which not only were brand new stands built but also an artificial lake with a floating clubhouse that can hold up to 800 people! So as well as watching some great sport, fans could even spend the night there if they wanted to! The stadium itself won many architectural awards worldwide because of how beautiful it turned out, especially when lit up at night。 You may remember seeing these pictures on social media a few months ago before it had been officially unveiled… But now everyone knows what amazing views await them inside! As it happens, Zenit FC have already qualified for the knockout stage meaning their home games should be quite


我还没看完,就看了几场,但是感觉真的挺好的 场地是位于莫斯科的卢日尼基体育场(前苏联的体育场) 这个体育场是在1958年建的,在2006年的时候进行了改建 在改建的过程中把原来的座位撤了去建更先进的座椅,并增加了空调系统 所以现在这个体育场有4.75万个观众席位 这是本届比赛的场馆 但是说实话,我觉得俄罗斯作为东道主,做的并不好,他们本应该做更多准备来迎接来自世界各地的球迷和嘉宾们 我觉得他们应该在机场设立一个巨大的欢迎牌,上面写着 “V K O P E” 而不仅仅是用电子屏打出这么几个字,并且用俄语拼出来 另外,我希望比赛结束后不要让他们乱糟糟的人离开现场,我想看到热情的球迷和他们手中的旗帜
